Heat Pump Installations – best practice guide launched


The Microgeneration Certification Scheme (MCS) and the Renewable Energy Consumer Code (RECC) have collaborated to publish a definitive best practice guide for the installation of heat pumps. rb&m partner Colin Meek worked for RECC as a project coordinator and co-author.

The new guidance, crafted by MCS, RECC, Energy Saving Trust Scotland and the Heat Pump Association, streamlines current industry rules, legal obligations and standards into a single source of best practice advice on the technical requirements and contractual issues. Colin Meek contributed all of the material on consumer protection with a focus on the performance claims that underpin heat pump contract agreements.

The new publication adds to a suite of published industry and consumer guidance written by rb&m partners including: a range of guides on relevant legislation; the RECC and BRE National Solar Centre guidance on batteries and solar power for domestic and small commercial consumers; and consumer guides to home EV chargepoints and to Demand-Side Response.

What is the Heat Pumps Guide and why was it published?

The project’s core purpose is to build consumer confidence in low-carbon heat to stimulate sustainable market growth. And the project recognises that building trust depends on both technical expertise and best practice in contractual issues.

The publication is designed to help installers grasp the key messages quickly using bite-sized summaries and the detail is brought to life with tips, key points, illustrations and case studies based on Colin Meek’s real experience of auditing hundreds of microgeneration companies.

The document is both a comprehensive and accessible reference manual designed to help MCS Contractors and RECC members solve technical or contractual problems and deploy the best solutions and processes in a compliant and legal way. The Guide supports MCS Contractors on every aspect of the design, installation and commissioning of heat pumps and the technical sections were written with the input of a range of experts from the MCS Heat Pump Technical Working Group.

The contractual sections address every aspect of the consumer journey helping installers navigate the laws and industry rules on marketing, contracts, performance claims and dispute handling.

How should the Guide be used?

The guide should be used in conjunction with the latest version of the MCS Microgeneration Installation Standard (MIS 3005) and consists of three key parts:

Part 1 Technical Guidance: Getting the design & installation right

Part 2 The Contractual Issues: Getting the contract right

Part 3 Specific Guidance on MIS 3005 V5.0 (forming MGD 002 Issue 2)

Steven Scott

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