Markets grow when consumers trust them.

What we do

rb&m is laser focused on building consumer trust in the low carbon technologies and services that society needs. The quicker we build trust in the energy transition, the sooner we will realise the benefits.

We build markets by building consumer confidence.

  • We deliver actionable and ground-breaking policy research on the growing markets for low-carbon technologies.

  • We build, simple, manageable and highly effective self-regulatory monitoring strategies with the auditing services they need to be successful.

  • We use technical expertise in the energy transition to investigate complex market problems that can damage consumer confidence.

  • We bring decades of consumer-focused intelligence to our market research.

rb&m has, over many years, developed a unique blend of technical skill with expertise in consumer law and best practice to critique perceived wisdom - winning important policy changes and new consumer protections.

Who we work with

  • Industry regulators

  • Consumer Codes and Schemes

  • Technical Working Groups

  • Consumer Protection Bodies

  • Companies

Policy Research and Guidance

rb&m has an unwavering commitment to the evidence base.

Our research and guidance documents are focused, bespoke and built on our years of experience working for and with national organisations such as BRE, RECC, MCS and Energy Savings Trust. We craft both industry guidance and consumer-facing plain-language guides.

Our recent work has included:

Our ground-breaking research into the roll-out of domestic renewable energy and the carbon savings this has brought. Published via dedicated website by MCS:

Self-regulatory monitoring strategies

We craft self-regulatory consumer protection codes and schemes that protect consumers in the energy transition markets and we translate those mechanisms into simple and effective monitoring strategies that hold companies to account.

These industry and regulatory consumer schemes raise standards and build trust using ‘beyond the law’ protections.

rb&m is proud to be the Heat Trust’s audit provider and we have worked closely with Ofgem as part of their review in preparation for the statutory regulation of the heat network sector.

We are the microgeneration sector’s most experienced audit team with in-depth knowledge of the market built on the experience of conducing hundreds of site audits, intensive desk-top audits and due diligence investigations. This work not only measures companies against best practice benchmarks, but also includes analysis of technical and financial performance claims.

rb&m partners have crafted or revamped a range of schemes including:

  • EVCC

  • RECC

  • Heat Trust

  • Flex Assure

Technical Expertise

rb&m partners work to close the notorious ‘performance gap’. The often wide difference between the advertised or promised technical performance of energy efficiency measures and the real-world outcome. The performance gap harms trust and lets consumers down.

We aim to set the agenda for improvements in performance forecasting to make sure markets have the information they need so consumers, regulators and those who create policy can make decisions that are genuinely informed. Our research and investigative projects have led the debate on heat pump, biomass and wind energy performance forecasting.

The rb&m partners operate on the front-line of developments in a range of markets through positions on five UK industry technical working groups – including heat pumps, solar thermal, battery storage, wind energy and biomass.

Market Research

rb&m partners are experts in the energy transition and quantitative and qualitative consumer research giving our market intelligence focus and coherence.

Most recently, rb&m has designed ground-breaking research and worked with trusted partners to deliver:

  • A UK-wide survey carried out by Opinium on consumer attitudes to domestic renewable energy.

  • Consumer intelligence on the energy transition based on five focus groups moderated and designed by rb&m partners and organised by Incling.